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Registration for Fall 2023 now open

SBDS is accepting enrollment applications for the 2023-2024 school year

  • Everybody has to re-apply for enrollment, even existing members, Staff, and Board!!!
  • Tuitions remain the same! We still keep expenses at minimum and try to provide maximum value to the members. Donations are always welcome, and please check with your company for any employee matching programs. They make a big difference. Thank you.
  • We ask you to try volunteer 3 hours per semester again, but the family waiver increased to $75 per semester. SBDS prefers actual help, because it benefits everybody at school and we all know that it really helps YOUR STUDENT, too by getting involved. But we do understand if you decide to pay the waiver instead.
  • The new calendar is posted in the “popular links” on the website. The fall semester (FS23) starts on September 9th, 2023. Please note that there are a couple of days (TBD) that may have to be changed.
  • We anticipate openings for new students in all grades, so please feel free to spread the word.
  • Fill out the registration form, save it (“save as” in browser, Adobe Acrobat, etc or print it out and send us a photo). Send to registration@sbds.org. You can also visit the SBDS office and fill out the form there.
  • If you are currently a member and plan NOT to return this fall, then please let us know. This really helps our staff to plan the new classes. Thank you.

SBDS Membership-Enrollment 2023-2024

SBDS Enrollment Process 2023-2024

SBDS Calendar 2023-2024