St. Martin’s Celebration at SBDS
The ‘Sankt Martins Fest’ on 11 November celebrates the life of Saint Martin of Tour. It traditionally involves children crafting lanterns, gathering for latern parades through town, singing tradional songs, and eating typical foods such as the ‘Weckmann’ or ‘Stutenkerl’.
SBDS takes joy in brining this tradition to the South Bay and sharing it with the SBDS community. With 240 guests, SBDS’ St. Martins celebration this year enjoyed a record turn-out. It was great to see new faces and meet new members of our SBDS community in person.
Students, parents, staff and volunteers watched a shadow play of the story of St. Martin, performed and narrated by the students of the 5th-7th Grade Advanced class. Led by our music teacher, those gathered sang some traditional St. Martin songs together. Singing continued as the younger students showed off the lanterns they had crafted in class in a parade around the school grounds. Upon return to the main location, volunteers had prepared delicious food, hot cocoa, and cider for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you to everybody who attended and helped at the St. Martin event. Special thanks to the SBDS event team for this great gift to our community!